this is a jack russell i am TRYING to give away? her name is AH GIRL [generic i know :P she doesn;t even respond to it <.<"] got her from a neighbour of my parent;s employee..
she is 100% pure breed, but no certificates...
she likes biting stuff... she just spoiled a noisy toy i bought for her the other day... [might be a jack russell thing?]
hrm anyone wants her, just drop me a message @ tjaswantATyahooDOTcom
those that live in landed property & have previous jack russell handling experience need apply.... [yes this dog needs a big garden and previous jack russell knowledge i suspect... <.<"]
she;s quite a friendly dog, and i think she needs alot of SPACE and alot of playtime... i had her for 3 months now... she;s been great but then i have already like 4 dogs and a fat cat... <.<" so this is harder, cos i think she;s better off like u know with attention...
hey that's a cute dog. too bad i can't keep dogs lol. i saw you on and wonder if u'd like to exchange links? if u do, u can simply link to me and drop me a comment at my blog yah :)