Saturday, November 7, 2009

lost my dog :(

sighs.... this is y i am getting depressed...

well long story short, dog got lost, maid waited 3 days till informing anyone, and well the maid was laid off...

so ya... very depressing no maid, no dog... can live without the maid i think [my mum is managing] can;t live without the dog, cos she;s so cuteeeeeeee....

so if anyone seen her please email me @ [u can;t call me cos i am in japan.... for a year...]

my only pic of my dog...

sighs... i miss her alot already...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

going to japan for a year

heading there to study @ yamasa institute for a year, will post here mainly and in my LJ

my feeling is like excited yet nervous, i haven;t been living alone since i was born, oh the disaters waiting to happen.... [after my mum leaves after 2 weeks i am on my own... happy joy, colddddddd]

oh well packing is a bitch, packing my stuff is like ZOMG bring everything, then i reliased that.... WILL I HAVE TIME?????

i really want to bring my jewellery making stuff... BUT i dun think i;ll have time for it...

right now i have
CSI novels
CSI dvds
harlequin novels
knitting stuff

in my luguage which should me more then occupied...

oh well i think enoguh is enough....

i mean great i have the stuff but will i have time to make those fancy jewelleries?

and i am suppose to be studying....

ah well... can;t be fussy... so too bad looks like my jewellery will not be going....

and the urge to brign it is great but the knowledge of me lying it around and emoing is greater LOL

thats all for today

Sunday, July 12, 2009


rinko's Profile on 

Still up for adoption (Jack Russell)

this is a jack russell i am TRYING to give away? her name is AH GIRL [generic i know :P she doesn;t even respond to it <.<"] got her from a neighbour of my parent;s employee..

she is 100% pure breed, but no certificates...

she likes biting stuff... she just spoiled a noisy toy i bought for her the other day... [might be a jack russell thing?]

hrm anyone wants her, just drop me a message @ tjaswantATyahooDOTcom OR call me @ 54230719 (backwards XD)

those that live in landed property & have previous jack russell handling experience need apply....
[yes this dog needs a big garden and previous jack russell knowledge i suspect... <.<"]

she;s quite a friendly dog, and i think she needs alot of SPACE and alot of playtime... i had her for 3 months now... she;s been great but then i have already like 4 dogs and a fat cat... <.<" so this is harder, cos i think she;s better off like u know with attention...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

What was never to be... (SBA) Part 1

i love commenting on my fellow pingster's entries on SBA... i would say usually i like to lurk and post comments... somehow after commenting so much i FEEL [*awed inspired by a certain post which i commented on and had feedback on*] like talking about it...

i will state here that this might be WoT [wall of text, outputed from my brain, which has too many RANDOM facts, as it is XD] and if it OFFENDS anyone then i can only point 'its me, my brain and a laptop', dun bother suing me, cos i am a broke working average adult.... [its partially true, but if u really sued me, i would go like <.<" seriously dun take what ever i said too literally XD]

so anywayz lets start in the begining [the end being that a 10 member committee has only 3 remainding members XD]

ok one very fine day, yours truely decided to read TODAY while trying to clear her system in the toliet [bad habbit learn for my dad XD] instead of the usual Twilight Series novel [oh yes i adore twilight XD i stalk twilight news XD]

so on to the story.. i read it i was like hrmmmmm... sounds pretty superficial... there were 'signs' and lets say overall the article wasn;t really that DETAILED as in somehow it felt a 'PR event'... [trying to say felt too plastic, like a PR event? like a scripted article, lacked of some form of dedication]

i was like hrm... and didn;t think much about it until a few days later i came onto Ping to check the articles...

and i saw prbably around 3 to 4 articles... perked my interest to do some light reading while @ work...

read about the president, then about the goals felt i dunnoe i just dun feel that i would want to join, i mean 'professional blogging', really we need a degree for bloging now? *eye roll*

but anywayz i wasn;t really in for this association thing, felt to me like blogging and forming and association really doesn;t go well [Official Blogging Assocition] like what goverment lackeys in disguise LOL [i am neutral to political parties, but last election well i had the chance to vote... no candies for guessing who i voted for :P]

i am a rather simple person, i believe yes PAP is good [u give ur freedom for security, which is a good thing on the surface...] but i dun really keep in tune with their policies much... how do i put this, i dun really care for politics, but yet i dun like the idea of one party... oppositions are good [except for dr. chee, sorry i can;t understand his problem... i tried but i got lost after he got arrested, wait there's even that kangaroo incident, funny yes, but in a more serious Point of view, its going a step too far, call me conservative :P]

oh well i am no PAP lackey, have no desire to join them, or keep in tune with watever they decide... cos if they didn;t do it right, singaporean would XD XD [complainnnnnn XD]

ok ok back to topic, instead of my political inclinations XD

so anyhows, the following REFLECTS my thoughts on this...

to me right, blogging is a right of freedom of speech [including cursing my relatives, parents and their friends... not in the way 'die noww' more of letting off steam]

but yes lets looking @ blogging in SG....

we have the popular ppl like DK, Mr Brown, Xiaxue so on and forth...

then we have people affilated to certain bloging circles [ping, tomorrow]

then people who are affilated to companies [nuffang]

then the common people like me... that lurk and post comments

so there;s the breakdown

how similar are they, i ask u... yes some people overlap the cicles and stuff but lets say the lower ppl lurk and comment on the above 3 catagories....

Pro bloggers like DK and XX vs me, whose blog is just to kill my own boredom and create devices to keep me entertained XD

coming to the important question do we need a associaion to unite them?

the answer is NO..... everyone is different, like for example XX and DK writing styles are different... this seems like an effort to unite and streamline the blogsphere so its a unite ARMY or drones [no not gundams... gundams are godly XD]

and what OBJECTIVE is the association for

Association of Bloggers (Singapore) is a non-profit association. It is dedicated to promoting, protecting and educating its members; supporting the development of blogging as new media. I hope eventually it can help to provide legal assistance to bloggers too. It is a professional body for bloggers in Singapore.

let me translate this LOL non profit association that u need to pay the following
Entrance fee : S$50 (one time)
Yearly subscription : S$ 60 (Ordinary Membership)
S$100 (Corporate Membership)
This money pays for or subsidises courses or workshops for member bloggers unless there are sponsors.

promoting: XD yes we are all goods/models for hire [paid reviews? <.<"]

protecting: i wonder can we hire a top lawyer if we get sued for defamation (since that is the number one subject bloggers overseas get sued for)

Educating: congrats u now have a degree in blogging after u attended our in house seminars by famous bloggers [that u of course have to pay.....]

supporting the development of blogging as new media: direct translation means that we are new media, we need to be herd in the right direction joining them u'll be guided by a non-profit organisation [which will harness u with the right set of scales with abit of moolahs involved], with 'support of the goverment'...

yes really thats what it read to me the lowest level of the blogging community.... and with the worsing economy, everyone should join, so once u get the degree u can be called a certified blogger and earn moolahs (ya u need capital to invest first thou, and hopefully earn your money back, when by then comercially entities are approaching us the new media for endorsments... sounds familar?)

ok lets see it from a political view [even know it's not political influenced]

so one fine day Mr. C decided 'i dun like SG gahmen' and posted some thing defaming SG gahmen....

possible senarios
a. blogger forced to take down post
b. which ever minister will sue for defamation

ok if scenario 2 happens, do u think that ur membership will get u a great lawyer, and u win ur case?

the only poosible senario is 1 or u can kiss ur membership goodbye and dig out monies to hire someone cheap and loose and end up in jail... [under ISA they can have u under house arrest... lol]

i am being realistic.... from the association PoV why would we help a fellow who defamed the goverment when we need the same said goverment backing.. its that obvivous...

so anywayz back to the topic... lets talk about the president... the chooper wielding president [imagine fann wong with a chopper, except fann wong is prettier XD]

but really such a brazen person handling this association seems dangerous.... really... its abit of a turn off becos, thou its good to face things heads on, but being brazen wun help much in times of needs... i think they need someone calm and sensible and matured [i need one of those as my BF thou LOL]

but anywayz looking @ SG blogsphere i only have this to say
people tend to blog for themselves, probbly run a few people down and then start a big hoo haaa which will die like 2 weeks max and everything start all over again over another thing…

such a senario has been going on and on… for good or worst, its been like that… and to change that into old newspaper style of writing would seem pretty Zzzzz to me i guess…

for me its entertaining, if this changes to something like a news reporting or plain old boring product reviews, then what will blogging become Drone blogs? Drone blogging LOL

part 1 END
too tired, had only like 4 hours of sleep :( so i think i should stop b4 i tell u pigs can flyyyyy LOL

yup continue tomorrow or on monday.. .complains welcomed XD

*rolls off to wow land*

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Photo of the Day - 27th Jan

all i know about this logo that its transformer related [i love the show when i was young XD]

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Giving Away - Jack Russell Dog

this is a jack russell i am TRYING to give away? her name is AH GIRL [generic i know :P she doesn;t even respond to it <.<"] got her from a neighbour of my parent;s employee..

she is 100% pure breed, but no certificates...

she likes biting stuff... she just spoiled a noisy toy i bought for her the other day... [might be a jack russell thing?]

hrm anyone wants her, just drop me a message @ tjaswantATyahooDOTcom

those that live in landed property & have previous jack russell handling experience need apply....
[yes this dog needs a big garden and previous jack russell knowledge i suspect... <.<"]

she;s quite a friendly dog, and i think she needs alot of SPACE and alot of playtime... i had her for 3 months now... she;s been great but then i have already like 4 dogs and a fat cat... <.<" so this is harder, cos i think she;s better off like u know with attention...

Photo of the Day - 26th Jan

i am starting a Photo Of the Day project, wish me luck... photos might be rather random or funny XD comments and complains welcomed XD

and also XD

Sunday, January 25, 2009


as told by me...

to me right... may its because of the experiences i been thru or whatever.... but i feel that if u asked the 14 yr old me about Friendship and relationships it'll be from a really naiive point of view

back then i wore my heart on my sleeve... yes and i would like normal naiive sane people 'beat' myself about it once it fails... i mean to me right back then friends WERE extremely IMPORTANT...

for example, i would do stuff for my friends over my family... maybe it was because i was schooling and back then we had ah lian, ah beng and the toliet cleaner XD

but somewhere along the lines of cliques and a sense of belonging i guess...

but then right now if u asked a 24yr old me what friendship means... truth to be told, VERY little...

no its not that i dun TREASURE my friends, but friendship has taken a different outlook i guess... along of line of having gone thru countless end of friendship and seeing the world... its different

i wore my heart on my sleeve last time, but now i think my heart is like frozen in a block of ice... it beats normally, but there;s added security and PREVENTIVE measures in place... [sounds like post MS escape speech lol]

but realli... friends were the world to me last time... now its like yes they are important STILL but once broken i wun bother fixing [tired it once b4... didn;t work out at all]

to me if there was girl A who was an acquaintance then we slowly became friends then one fine day she backstabed me....

when i was 14 i would have forgiven her and tried to fix it, and FAILED... now @ 24 i would have told her 'thanks for the memories and goodbye' and of course hate/dislike her..... and just treat her like what we were in the begining Acquaintance...

i see no point fixing something that is already broken, mainly logically, even if u fix it, who says she wun backstabbed u again?

maybe i also learnt that trust is earned not given and that friendship is not going to be forever...

call me whatever u want but to me at the end its ME still XD

happy cow year people XD

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


sighs been a while since i posted [ok a LONG while]

lets see life has been pretty ok~~~~ [long pause]

well like half the population i caught the flu bug... i feel giddy...

life has been pretty much hectic/boring since i got home from the 5 days cruise.... was good while i lasted but then coming home sick and giddy is like <.<"

i reliased alot of stuff, like how i am really that human... too many things to think when u;r sick makes u feel so incapable...

i think i tend to over think too much... i dun know how to actually write this i guess...

in simple term i guess i shall start
there is this guy i like [doesn;t it always start this way <.<"]

i find him rather nice and sweet and cute.... he;s nice and all those stuff but LIKE ALWAYS he;s not perfect, very human apparently...

along the lines of being not very mature and along the lines of he relies on my advise and along the lines of lack of security (if we date in the future)

i reliased maybe we are just suited to be friends...

somehow i reliased when it comes to relationships, i tend to think FAR... even thou it might be the first time we are going for a casual movie, i went and cracked my brain....

i admit i liked him [i still do] but after going thru the pro and cons i find that maybe just friends?

i know i THINK TOO MUCH, and since its based on the first outing, its not much to go by but there are apparent flaws...

he tried to fake that he was japanese [my dearest friend decided to point that out] and my answer was 'its just a phase' [the phases in life u have just to fit in?]

i amazed @ my reaction thou, i mean i make excuses for myself XD but not for others, if i was myself i would say 'that a bad thing to do' except i decided to sweep this flaw under the carpet...

its totally against what i really believe, if like making a excuse for someone murdering someone [thou not that major]

but then i reliased then that would this be the kind of 'sweep under carpet' for anything else that might crop up?

really dun think i want to go there....

and seriously speaking what i want in a relationship is SECURITY and probbly like all the other girls B4 me someone to respect, care & love me for me?

i want to be babied [ahahahaha lame huh?] i wanna be told its ok to act like a kid, and have a more RESPONSIBLE other half worrying about me [since i am highly likely to get into shit]

i really dun forsee me being the responsible one neither do i forsee me and that cute guy going out [as i would have to 'sweep it under the carpet' and being RESPONSIBLE (totally not happening)]

spring cleaning [clear my dressing table/room] Sighs.... not looking forward to it...

i reliase my life revolves around few things... SGcafe, LJ, CNN.... i really need to go out make more friends, before i really become a hermit...

and really need to make more friends B4 i become that stuck onto one guy syndrome.... hur hur XD

oh well try to write more... still feeling giddy :P

i shall stop thinking about that cute guy but SIGHS... i reliased i want my first one to be perfect and my only one [sighs perfectionist?]

and yes i know i am THINKING TOO MUCH/TOO FAR/WTFBBQ? yeah i know when i am sick i have too much brain cells to waste...